Template VI1/Intrusion on the 3rd row

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Revision as of 07:08, 7 March 2009 by Halladba (Talk | contribs)

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Red should go here:


The Red 1 hex is connected to the bottom, and threatens to connect to the top through either one of the "+" hexes. Thus these are the only important incursions. An incursion to the right of the number 1 hex is important only in connection with the two indicated here, and will be seen in the treatement below transposed into the sequel.

Third-row followup: i4


Figuring out the Must-play region

Red threatens to play at "+" points above, with these templates:

Edge template IV1a

We need only consider the intersection of these templates.

Incursion at j5


Incursion at j6


Incursion at h7


Third-row followup: j3 (stub)