Printable boards
From HexWiki
Here are some printable Hex boards.
[hide]Horizontal/vertical orientation
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Four per Sheet
Four 11x11 hex boards on an American 8.5"-11" sheet of paper. Ideal for printing and playing with colored pencils or markers.
EPS full color any size
Using Tom Ace's golem2eps using as input a SGF file of a blank Hex game you can get a superb board of any size desired in EPS (as vector graphics).
For example: using just "SZ[12]" will produce a 12x12 board.
Diamond orientation
4 4e 5 5e 6 6e 7 7e 8 8e 9 9e 10 10e 11 11e 12 12e 13 13e 14 14e 15 15e 16 16e 17 17e 18 18e 19 19e
Bent Hex
A weird board to play hex.