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A zipper is a series of forcing moves by which a player gains significant distance across the board and potentially connects to the opposite edge, by repeatedly threatening to connect to the player's nearby pieces on one side. This results in a sequence of alternating red and blue moves reminiscent of an actual zipper.

Here is an idealized example. Red to move.


Red wins by zippering from e8.


Note that every single one of Blue's moves is forced. Although Blue could intrude into some of Red's bridges or other templates, this does not help.

Note that the zipper was possible even though Blue seemed to have more strength on the right side of the board than Red. What enables the zipper is the exposed "flank" of unprotected Red pieces that Red can repeatedly threaten to connect to. Potential zippers are often difficult for beginners to spot, and can lead to swift and unexpected defeat. It is therefore a good idea to try to deny the opponent opportunities to zipper.


Zippers do not always have to proceed by bridges, although a combination of bridges and adjacent moves is the most common. Here is an example from an actual game. Red to move.


Red starts a 3rd row ladder, then immediately jumps and zippers.


At this point, Red is connected by an interior ziggurat, marked "*", to edge template IV2d. Blue resigns.