User talk:Kogorman
From HexWiki
Aug 14: Reverting a community page: was overlaid by some hotel-related advertising.
Aug 14: What are these WARNING: Invalid cell name: andannotations? Are they supposed to be
compiled into images? It does not appear to be working.
- They are supposed to be compiled into images, but this doesn't work at the moment. It worked earlier, when the wiki was hosted elsewhere, but after it was moved, all we have left are the WARNING: Unrecognized token: tags.
WARNING: Unrecognized token: I
WARNING: Unrecognized token: believe
WARNING: Unrecognized token: that
WARNING: Invalid cell name: it
WARNING: Invalid cell name: is
WARNING: Unrecognized token: supposed
WARNING: Invalid cell name: to
WARNING: Invalid cell name: be
WARNING: Unrecognized token: fixed
WARNING: Invalid cell name: as
WARNING: Unrecognized token: soon
WARNING: Invalid cell name: as
WARNING: Unrecognized token: somebody
WARNING: Invalid cell name: has
WARNING: Unrecognized token: time
WARNING: Invalid cell name: to
WARNING: Invalid cell name: do
WARNING: Invalid cell name: it.
WARNING: Unrecognized token: I've
WARNING: Unrecognized token: written
WARNING: Invalid cell name: a
WARNING: Unrecognized token: Java
WARNING: Unrecognized token: program
WARNING: Unrecognized token: which
WARNING: Unrecognized token: converts
WARNING: Invalid cell name: the
WARNING: Unrecognized token:
WARNING: Unrecognized token: tags
WARNING: Unrecognized token: into
WARNING: Unrecognized token: pngs
WARNING: Invalid cell name: and
WARNING: Unrecognized token: have
WARNING: Unrecognized token: manually
WARNING: Unrecognized token: inserted
WARNING: Unrecognized token: diagrams
WARNING: Invalid cell name: in
WARNING: Invalid cell name: a
WARNING: Invalid cell name: few
WARNING: Unrecognized token: pages
WARNING: Unrecognized token: such
WARNING: Invalid cell name: as
WARNING: Invalid cell name: at
WARNING: Unrecognized token: [[Puzzles]]
WARNING: Invalid cell name: and
WARNING: Unrecognized token: [[Edge
WARNING: Unrecognized token: template]].
WARNING: Unrecognized token: [[User:Taral|Taral]]
WARNING: Unrecognized token: 15
WARNING: Unrecognized token: Aug
WARNING: Unrecognized token: 2005
WARNING: Unrecognized token: (CEST)