Board size
From HexWiki
The board size in Hex varies, and no size is considered standard. 10 × 10 is considered by many a lower bound for interesting games.
See also the article Small boards.
- 10 × 10
- Used to be offered on Kurnik until 2008.
- 11 × 11
- The size Piet Hein used.
- Offered on Kurnik as default.
- The standard size on Richard Rognlie's Play-By-eMail server.
- Offered on Board Game Arena as default.
- Offered on Little Golem.
- 12 × 12
- The size used by Con-Tac-Tix, the first mass-produced version of Hex.
- Offered on Board Game Arena.
- 13 × 13
- The original size on Little Golem. (Games with this size are still called "hex" by the site engine, while 19 × 19 Hex games are named "hex19".)
- Offered on Board Game Arena.
- Offered on Kurnik.
- 14 × 14
- The size John Nash used.
- Offered on Board Game Arena.
- 15 × 15
- Offered on Board Game Arena.
- Offered on Little Golem.
- 18 × 18
- Used to be offered on Playsite and Lycos but they no longer offer Hex.
- 19 × 19
- Offered on Board Game Arena.
- Offered on Little Golem.
- Offered on Kurnik.
In addition, PlayHex offers all sizes from 1 × 1 to 42 × 42.
Printable boards of size up to 14 × 14 here: Printable boards.