Small boards

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Playing Hex on boards of size smaller than 10 × 10 is not very interesting, since many players will be able to play almost perfectly. However it may still be intersting for theoretical studies, and for making problems.

The boards of size up to five can be solved by hand. Hex on 6 × 6 has been solved by Queenbee.

Here are the winning first moves on the small boards. Red is vertical and plays first. The cells containing a red stone are winning moves for red, while those containing a blue stone are losing. For more details, visit Queenbee's own opening page.

Update: The 7 × 7 board has been solved by R. Hayward, For more details, visit

Winner depending on the first move

The following boards can help you decide where you should swap when playing on small boards, and it might give you ideas of patterns for bigger boards.


Size 7

Size 7 was first solved by Ryan Hayward using domination.


Size 8

The outcomes for size 8 were computer generated by Javerberg. The solution was independantly computer generated by Hayward et al. and appeared in IJCAI09.


Size 9

The outcomes for size 9 are computer generated by University of Alberta's Hex group.



See also