About HexWiki
From HexWiki
News and history
- September 28, 2017: The site has been moved to a new hosting service. Please let us know if something on the site is not working.
- March 2017: Boards are now rendered as SVG images! Thanks to Tom239 for writing the code for this feature.
- August 2015: HexWiki is back! Please see the article the new HexWiki for information.
Things to be done
- We need hex boards to “float” around text to make pages shorter and more readable
- Make it possible to visualize "live" boards for showing off variations
- Boring but easy: make Printable Y boards more readable, like Printable boards.
- Add forum
- Add solutions to puzzles
- Update Computer Hex (it was last updated in 2020)
- Update Tournaments with information on recent or current tournaments