Online playing
From HexWiki
Hex can be played online either using a web-based format or via e-mail.
[hide]Web-based games
Web-based games can be played either in real-time, where moves are made within minutes (or even seconds), or turn-based, where a player has days for one move.
Realtime playing sites
The most popular sites (approximatively ordered by the number of hex games played on them daily) are:
- Board Game Arena supports real-time as well as turn-based play
- PlayOK (Kurnik) for real-time play with rankings, game records, tournaments
- PlayHex by Alcalyn. Real-time and turn-based play.
- igGameCenter for real-time play, with time settings, and ranking (it has many connection games).
- boardspace for real-time play
- for real-time play
- Hex+ for high speed real-time play
Turn-based playing sites
- Little Golem
- Board Game Arena
- PlayHex
- See also Richard's server. One can play completely by e-mail, but it also has a graphical interface now. Furthermore any sized board is supported.
- Abstract Play
- Hex may also be played over e-mail, in a turn-based fashion, with Unicode and ASCII boards.
Services for game analysis
There are some services in the net, which help one play out different variations, analyze the games and share game records.
- HexWorld has an interactive board that can be shared as a link. It has all board sizes up to 31.
- TRMPH has 3 board sizes: 11, 13 and 19. It can import games from Little Golem.
- Hex master is a service for analyzing and commenting games from Little Golem.
- AHex is a service for analyzing games, including variations. See the extensive help page for more info. Little Golem provides a link to analyze games using this service.