Multiple threat
A multiple threat is when a player threatens to connect in two or more different ways. Ideally, the opponent cannot defend against all of them simultaneously; or at least the presence of multiple threats severely constrains the opponent's options.
Whenever possible, a player should make each move achieve at least two different goals. Moves that contain only a single threat are generally not hard to meet. Moves that contain multiple threats are more difficult, and sometimes impossible, to stop.
It is sometimes called fork in Hex and other games, and called miai in go.
Connection by double threat
The most common example of a multiple treat is when two of a player's groups are connected to each other by a double threat. In the following position, Red's two groups are connected by double threat at the two cells marked "*".
If Blue moves at one of the cells marked "*" or its neighbors, Red can respond at the other one, thus guaranteeing a connection between the two groups.
Overlapping threats
In the following situation, Red can connect the two groups by moving at any one of the cells marked "*".
However, these threats are overlapping; each of the three threatened connections passes through the cell c3. Therefore, by moving at c3, Blue can neutralize all three threats at the same time, denying Blue the connection.
Ladder escape forks
A ladder escape fork is a typical example of a multiple threat.